Hi, I'm Karen.

Cheese sticks, vanilla coffee creamer, and eggs. When interviewing for my first job out of college I was asked what three things I always have in my fridge. Those three items, along with good espresso, New Girl, live music, poka dots, crinkly noses, and agriculture, are all direct avenues to my heart.

I was blessed to have grown up on a farm in Southwest Ohio alongside my two siblings and the coolest parents around. From 2014 to 2023, I've lived in Illinois, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Alabama while earning degrees from Illinois Central College, Oklahoma State University, and my Masters in Animal Science from Auburn University. Within that time, I also worked for the American Angus Association - with some pretty awesome people!

I am excited to be back home in Southwest Ohio, working for Select Sires Inc. as my full-time gig and photographing you wonderful humans as my side hustle (which I am so passionate about). My days are fueled by my sweet Jesus, my people, and the sunshine. Please, please, please reach out if you have questions about my work or are even an aspiring photographer who has questions!

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